Though Monsignor Majella has attended some ecumenical events since his arrival last March, he made it clear in an interview that he intends to continue enforcing doctrinal orthodoxy.
She added that the county planned to continue enforcing the law by issuing a ticket to the business, not the smoker.
But they and federal officials said it clarified the federal government's intention to continue enforcing its laws against marijuana, even in states that allow it for medical purposes.
After a failed attempt to get permission to partially use advertisements on buses, METRO has since decided to continue enforcing its policy.
However, the administration also announced it intended to continue enforcing the law until its repeal by Congress or until ruled unconstitutional in court.
Mr. Despres said that while he planned to continue enforcing the boycott law, Arab countries appeared to be showing less interest in enforcing the boycott.
Earlier this year, Congress defeated an amendment that would have permitted the Department to continue enforcing the salmonella standard regardless of the court's decision.
But we are going to continue enforcing the law on our own, to the very last minute.
The administration intends to continue enforcing the law until it is either repealed by Congress or finally declared unconstitutional in court.
Meanwhile, he has asked a federal appeals court to permit the state to continue enforcing the law, which was overturned in 2000.