"I don't mean by remote, or from space," Chris continued doggedly, not moving.
Nearly all of them glanced curiously toward the 219, but continued doggedly on their way.
Eventually, he closed his eyes against the brightness of the day and doggedly continued to put one foot in front of the other.
We recognized disaster in our bones, but doggedly continued onward.
Yet the President doggedly continues to insist that he will not make even a symbolic concession on abortion.
Harry, on the other hand, continued doggedly as if nothing had happened.
Rose began to feel he was back in the maze at Stockbery, but doggedly continued making notes.
He has a goal and will doggedly continue to move toward it.
"By the time we got out, she was well on the way to having her problems solved," Kris continued doggedly.
"It's the ship's money," he returned, doggedly continuing his work.