Despite the number of Rock Pigeons, many people continue to feed the birds bread crumbs and assist them to breed in great numbers.
He continued to advise and assist the Government on matters such as the release of Te Rauparaha in 1848.
He added that "this includes the governments of Syria and Iran," which "continue to harbor and assist terrorists."
However, Ashigara and her escort continued to stand by and assist in a professional manner.
Although retired, Adams continues to advise and assist the program.
The government will continue to provide advice and assist the sharing of best practice in managing climate risk.
While she continued to paint and assist her husband, William Zorach, on larger projects, her main focus was on these tapestries.
MARP will then be able to aim more of its resources on continuing to improve the retail mix and assist the business owners.
We must continue to work with Macedonia in partnership and assist it in its progression towards membership of the European Union.
Junior took over the paternal role and continued to advise and assist Tony.