The cold wind blew continually.
You will already have noticed that Naydrad's fur is constantly in motion, as if a strong wind was continually blowing it into tufts and ripples.
Five minutes later he was in a small, bare room through which a warm wind blew continually.
Gemellae has now been reclaimed by the desert, and excavators have complained about the continually blowing sand.
Beasley, a forward making his international debut, continually blew by China's defense.
Dylan Hartley and Adam Shingler continually blown at the breakdown and were fortunate not to be given 10 minutes off.
If the weather was clear, the meat would dry in about seven days aided by the winds which blew continually.
The wind blew continually, and its edge was like a knife.
In the dry season of June through August, the winds blow continually from east to west in most of Indonesia.
Travis's eyes were red, and though he was not actively crying at the moment, he continually blew his nose.