The academy also added that "her continual involvement on behalf of literature and free speech in a police state where censorship and persecution of books and people exist have made her 'the doyenne of South African letters.' "
But I contend it is important for people to know what has happened and to be aware that continual involvement may not be in their best interest.
Such projects include Indymedia ("a democratic rendering of the use-values of new technologies such as the Internet, and a continual involvement in wider struggle"), open-source software, Wikipedia, public libraries and many other initiatives, especially those developed within the anti-globalisation movement.
He also envisioned a group that would enhance school pride through active participation in official college events and continual involvement in the campus community.
For Paratroopers the 1980s were characterised by continual operational involvement in Angola.
Pratt's longest continual involvement with gardening and horticulture was her involvement with the New York Botanical Garden.
It is suspected that one of the generals' motives for deploying Thảo overseas was his continual involvement in plotting.
The close connection between the Fraternity and the growth and progress of the state of Minnesota is illustrated by the continual involvement of our members in public life.
Their power came from continual involvement in civic work, an intimate knowledge of their communities and their occasional boldness.
He stresses the continual and decisive involvement of the Federal Government in almost every area of Western development.