The worst crime in America is probably not murder; no doubt it is this continual exposure to litter and ugliness, which makes it impossible for us to imagine anything better.
Therefore, even if the specific antibiotic is no longer introduced into the environment, antibiotic resistance genes will persist through the bacteria that have since replicated without continual exposure.
This finding suggests that continual exposure may cause similar cancers in other mammalian organisms, thereby acting as a driving force behind shifts in an ecosystem's mammalian demographic.
"Doing nothing doesn't seem to be the right thing to do, because then you have a continual exposure there, an ongoing risk," Dr. Randall said.
He had long suspected that continual exposure to warpstone dust and mutagenic chemicals had done something to him.
The skin irritation caused by continual exposure to phenol eventually led to the substitution of aseptic (germ-free) techniques in surgery.
It could be, he said, that to maintain protection, people need nearly continual exposure to H.I.V. so that antigens in the virus can constantly boost the immune system.
It dates from the Tertiary age and has nearly vertical layers, with continual exposure from the Permian to the Tertiary age.
With the continual exposure to the sun she was getting very brown, and the baby that she carried on her hip got browner.
Despite the continual exposure to carbon monoxide and people from the film industry, she had remained smart.