But, even with so much to do, the continual delays in convening the CIS hearing were irritating and nerve-racking.
Widely criticized for its overcapacity, the plant suffered continual delays due to insufficient ore inputs and lack of investment.
But the continual delays have cast a cloud over the project.
Union representatives Catherine Campell and Louis Carlet were frustrated at the continual delays.
"What is causing these continual delays?"
We cannot afford to have these constant, continual delays.
The stations have been collaborating on a combiner at the Empire State Building, but it has been the subject of continual delays.
However, these plans have been subject to continual delay.
Foreigners complain about the continual delays in football and baseball games, but American couch potatoes savor the suspense as well as the chance to see instant replays and debate the next move.
Her suicide note makes it clear that she could not live with the shame implied by the continual delays in the trial of her rapist.