He'll say it's all part of continual assessment: the whole point of the course is mass hysteria.
Programs are dynamic, not static and thus require more fluid, responsive, and continual assessment.
But with or without knowledge of the elusive natural rate, the Fed can and does make continual assessment of inflationary pressures.
Both practical and mental skills are vital to their progress at the Academy, so they are subjected to continual assessment by their judge-tutors.
Provide continual medical assessment of the patient.
We also need to focus on existing teachers as well as new entrants, with better support for professional development, peer review and continual assessment.
A continual assessment and final exam system is used to evaluate the work completed in each of the sessions.
As well as updating programmes of study, we need better teacher training, higher standards and continual assessment of what pupils are being taught.
This also applies to the need for continual assessment of how small and medium-sized companies, including small shopkeepers, are coping with the introduction of the euro.
The award will be based on continual assessments of skills and competence so staff will not have to sit any written exams.