In a continental nation with many strands in its society, he should be a unifying factor.
At this time, France was the only other continental nation building their air power.
This is because Brazil's armed forces number 300,000 members, hardly enough to control a continental nation of 150 million inhabitants by force alone.
The wolf is also featured in the heraldry of continental European nations.
That is not the way a great continental nation should live.
Collectively, Starr says, such measures indicated a concern "with building not just a continental nation but a republican one."
Her population, geographical position, army and industrial strength made her the leading continental nation.
The extraordinary men who met in 1787 created Federal institutions that have made a continental nation prosperous and free.
At ground level, what's more common is the isolationism of a continental nation.
By creating an elaborate governmental structure there, it paved the way for a continental nation to develop.