Oceanic lithosphere, however, is young and effectively of uniform age relative to continental lithosphere.
A 'craton' ( "strength") is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere.
There are many issues of interest, such as determining the source of forces originating in the upper mantle and their effects on the continental lithosphere.
This holds true for Australia, which sits on its own continental lithosphere and tectonic plate.
In the second situation, the oceanic lithosphere always subducts because the continental lithosphere is less dense.
The flow of hot plume material creates volcanism under the continental lithosphere.
Deformation of continental lithosphere can take place in several possible modes, and there are quite a few theories around.
Partial melts are thought to play an important role in enriching old parts of the continental lithosphere in incompatible elements.
Sediment fill within the foredeep acts as an additional load on the continental lithosphere.
It is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere.