People seek to define social situations by using contextual cues from the environment around them.
A tentative explanation for state-dependent recall is the use of the physiological state as a contextual cue.
Further, several contextual cues should be attended to, using more than one sensory system to maximize the number of cues that can help remember information.
You are finding a contextual cue that will automatically trigger the new behavior.
They explained these results as a product of contextual cues, namely the costumes.
Using the forward model's predictions and sensory contextual cues, responsibility signals indicate the degree to which each pair should be responsible for controlling current behavior.
This can help express humor, excitement, sadness or other contextual cues, for example, "Just found out my mom is my health teacher.
Now he had to pray Spivey's spy software wouldn't catch the same contextual cues.
The encoding process, retrieval traces and contextual cues of the newly learned information play significant roles in impairment.
Children of indigenous heritage communities commonly use contextual cues in their understanding and ideas.