But drawing him back into a potentially loud and contentious primary fight would seem a rather daunting challenge for now.
The deal ends a contentious fight with the city's fire unions, who have argued for months that the reduced staffing levels would endanger firefighters' lives.
Judiciary The most contentious fights with the new Democratic majority may come on judicial nominations.
Until now, Texas has largely avoided the contentious political fights over water familiar to Western states like Arizona.
The settlements brought an end to one of the most contentious fights between the S.E.C. and an auditing firm.
The interwar years saw the first of what would be many contentious fights over trees in Falls Church.
His remarks reflected the contentious fight in Albany over social service cuts.
Mr. Baucus's move could touch off one of the Senate's most contentious environmental fights of the year.
But many campaign workers had expected that after a contentious fight leading up to the party's nomination, Mr. London would work for the ticket.
Rather than face a contentious fight for the post, Littell stepped down, allowing Haytaian to run unchallenged.