Why the federal government rewards one grower and ignores the other has long been one of the more contentious arguments in rural America.
After an extremely contentious argument about its route, it opened about five years later.
He names these three last methods as "eristic dialectic (contentious argument)."
The last item of business yesterday, after swearing the jury, was a contentious argument with the media.
Professor Howells also had a moderating effect on the often contentious argument over the origins of modern humans.
The Supreme Court is home to arguably the most famous columns in America, and some of our nation's most contentious arguments.
The lively, sometimes contentious hourlong argument provided no clear answer.
But an even more contentious argument for withdrawing the troops is that they have become detrimental to American interests.
For the training given by the paid professors of contentious arguments was like the treatment of the matter by Gorgias.
Despite nearly three weeks of hearings and contentious arguments, Mr. Rowe said he was betting that a settlement would be worked out.