He sat looking at the fire with lowered eyelids, a contented expression on his face, looking like a big overfed cat.
Instead, there was a softer, more contented expression on her face, especially when she glanced down at baby Maeve.
Crozier was still his old calm self, although his face wore a contented expression, which was very unusual.
A man who is sure of his point, carries a broad and contented expression, which everybody reads.
She also had smiled, the contented expression of a cat with a mouthful of feathers.
He smiled, the quiet contented expression of one who is certain of his truths.
Her contented, almost placid, expression clearly said that she did not intend to release his hand in the foreseeable future.
To judge by the happy and contented expression of the widow's face, it must have been couched in glowing terms.
A contented expression appeared on his face.
Wulfgar held his calm and contented expression.