While the Blues contended during this time period, they never passed the second round of the playoffs.
So we've got to contend during that time.
Having failed to contend for a championship during the first six years of Patrick Ewing's career, the Knicks have major decisions to make.
This, effectively, constitutes a biological prediction of the rainfall and conditions with which the butterfly will have to contend during its adult life.
With the rest of the household she also had to contend with his uncertain temper and even wilder moments during occasional drinking bouts.
Still he might have benefited from being forced to contend with a strong librettist during the creative process.
This would also have been the perfect time to bring up what he contended during the campaign was his secret plan to reform campaign finance laws.
"You obviously contended with such matters during your first Kolinahr," T'Vora said.
This may have been an exaggeration based on her own experience, but was related to the attitudes and difficulties with which she had to contend during training.
As such, Cholamandalam was the cynosure of all powers contending for supremacy during the entire historical period.