It quoted contemptuous comments on the professor that were said to have been made by unnamed students and faculty members.
Angered by FBI agent Roger Graham's contemptuous comments about him on TV, Soneji later impersonates a reporter and kills Graham.
I said this like a contemptuous comment.
Military law prohibits contemptuous comments by officers about their civil leaders.
Its last contemptuous comment, almost lost in the swirl, was, 'Run aaaalonggg . . .' Granny went home alone as the cold pink light of dawn glided across the snow, and let herself into her cottage.
'Of course we'll give you a lift,' said Melissa hastily, noting the contemptuous curl of Iris's lip and anxious to forestall any blunt comment that might sour the atmosphere still further.
His hosts inspected him with curiosity, with amusement, then with contemptuous comments that he could not catch.
Still pretending to be half-drunk, Steve listened as the liquor loosened the tongues of his companions and they began to discuss the war; their comments about the Imperial troops not only contemptuous but verging on being insulting.
Its last contemptuous comment, almost lost in the swirl, was, 'Run aaaalonggg . . .'
Hated them for their contemptuous comments and unending supply of Jersey jokes.