In the more contemporary styling, closed position is formed by placing the right hand under the follower's left arm, and on his/her back.
They have brought back the classic patterns in easy separates that conform to contemporary freewheeling styling.
If so, the Aztek could be at the vanguard of contemporary automotive styling.
The new watchband incorporated heavier metals and contemporary European styling.
"We had a traditional reputation, but our typical buyer now is younger, and they're looking for quality but with contemporary styling."
The murals took four years to complete and were controversial because of the contemporary stylings.
Ms. Daniel said the designers' efforts also included the use of contemporary styling, interesting materials, pleasing colors and good craftsmanship.
The car used relatively simple technology, had contemporary styling and was clad in a fibreglass body in order to save weight.
Her furniture was polished, the latest in contemporary styling.
The interior has a very contemporary "European" styling.