Probably the most dramatic of the church music movements is the proliferation of folk, jazz, and rock groups that lead contemporary services.
They introduced the contemporary services of central heating and electricity.
Otherwise there is a contemporary service at 10:30 am and a traditional service at 09:00, both on a Sunday.
While both of the traditional services are hosted in the sanctuary, the contemporary service is held in the Fellowship Hall.
Music for the contemporary service is provided by a band, made up of youth from the church, and members.
The contemporary service has greatly expanded recently, and growing it is a continued focus of the church.
St. John's recently began a contemporary service on Wednesday evenings.
Some churches that offer a choice of contemporary and traditional services restrict dancing to the more modern service.
The church offers both traditional and contemporary services and runs the Early Learning Center preschool.
At 11 A.M., contemporary service with vocal and band ensemble.