He prompted brotherly relations with his contemporary rulers and leaders of the subcontinent.
Both emperors are beardless - this is an example for conscious archaization as contemporary Byzantine rulers were bearded.
Other contemporary rulers mentioned include Tushratta and Suppiluliuma.
He surpassed the other contemporary rulers in the field of education.
The various protagonists' ruling styles have been identified with rulers contemporary to Shakespeare.
Hindus were subjected to torture frequently surpassing even the barbarity of contemporary Islamic rulers.
One of the earliest efforts of ancient historians was aimed at compiling the chronology of contemporary rulers and their predecessors.
It contained many satire and even direct criticism on contemporary Russian rulers, including the Emperor himself.
In contrast to many of his contemporary rulers, he had no political or military ambitions.
The same instincts have not necessarily vanished from contemporary rulers, despite societal disapproval of straying from the marriage bed.