Some contemporary reviewers complained that the sound, with its use of three speakers, was loud and distracting.
Educated Evans received a positive reception from contemporary reviewers.
These went uncredited, however, as noted by a contemporary reviewer.
The book, with illustrations by Whitlock, was indeed successful; contemporary reviewers were impressed and critics today are still positive.
They were roomy 6-cylinder cars that handled well and impressed contemporary reviewers.
Some contemporary reviewers considered that the film held up the past as a mirror of the events of 1968, when it was made.
Despite the potential audience and the high quality of the authors involved, the Keepsake stories were seen as unimpressive by contemporary reviewers.
The game is still considered very high quality with contemporary reviewers scoring the game highly.
A contemporary reviewer said that of the film's 5,000 foot length, 1,000 feet was dedicated to humorous titles.
Some contemporary reviewers felt he went too far in this story.