At times, the writing risked overdoing the contemporary parallels.
For sure, the contemporary parallels in "Tartuffe" are self-evident, but what of the play's inner, timeless values?
At the same time, what they say is seasoned with contemporary parallels.
A contemporary human parallel might be the hippie rebel growing up into an enlightened yuppie millionaire.
Tour guides point out that, while the house is Victorian, its daily activity involved a contemporary social parallel - the professional working at home.
The story has obvious contemporary parallels that might have been drawn, beginning with 9/11 and continuing with the debate over evolution versus intelligent design.
There are still, unfortunately, many contemporary parallels.
Despite the 17th-century dress and the formality of the language, these characters evoke contemporary parallels.
There were sly little touches, and contemporary parallels.
Yet it's impossible to watch the current Lincoln Center production without noticing some disturbing contemporary parallels.