It was here he began to hone his performance as a soloist in a broad range of works such as Handel's 'Messiah' and new contemporary musicals.
The bad news is that the score for "Grand Hotel," like the vast majority of contemporary musicals, can't even begin to compete.
That's a lot more than most contemporary musicals are willing to attempt.
Carrnivale Theatrics is a Pittsburgh-based theatre company that has produced contemporary musicals.
The world probably didn't need two contemporary musicals titled "The Phantom of the Opera" and based on the 1911 Gaston Leroux novel.
Color isn't the only thing that's been drained out of contemporary musicals.
The new Spiderman Broadway production is a fine supporting example of how the Yanks produce great contemporary musicals.
They organize a season of contemporary musicals and comedies.
Nor do they traffic in pastiche, the lingua franca of contemporary musicals.
Footlights *The Rasputin of contemporary musicals, "Annie Warbucks," rises again.