Ito has defined architecture as "clothing" for urban dwellers, particularly in the contemporary Japanese metropolis.
The River Line will diminish what William Julius Wilson Jr. characterizes as the spatial mismatch, an intractable dilemma in the contemporary metropolis.
She often assembles specific interfaces for each work and makes use of these devices to discuss a broader project dealing with relationships between life and death, war, violence, the media, eroticism, and the construction of the body in the contemporary metropolis.
Some of her usual topics are cultural practices such as walking and travelling, the relationship between humans and animals, isolation, life in contemporary metropolis.
Although the original, theoretic development of hybridity addressed the narratives of cultural imperialism, Bhabha's work also comprehends the cultural politics of the condition of being "a migrant" in the contemporary metropolis.
Widening the Gap This "turning-inside-out of the employment geography of the contemporary metropolis" has contributed to "one of the nation's leading urban crises," the gap between haves and have-nots, said a study completed some months ago for the Department of Commerce.
Violence is a parody of conventional dungeon-bashing games, set in a contemporary metropolis where player characters run from room to room killing the occupants and stealing their stuff.
A further stream of work emerging from the LA School is represented by Scott and Storper's many publications on flexible specialization, agglomeration, and the economic dynamics of the contemporary metropolis.
A bustling contemporary metropolis filled with friendly people with a passi.
It purports an existence of multi-visionary thinking within the mosaic of the contemporary metropolis.