According to David Stanger, director of the American Jewish Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "If My Eyes Speak: Photographs by Adam Nadel" comprises 30 images representing "contemporary manifestations of genocide".
To the extent that the mechanical is mistaken for the magical, the Paper Mill's "Wizard of Oz" is a contemporary manifestation of what passes for wizardry in a synthetic space age.
As Walter Laqueur, the historian specializing in political violence, has observed, "There can be no final victory in the fight against terrorism, for terrorism (rather than full-scale war) is the contemporary manifestation of conflict, and conflict will not disappear from earth."
Stringfellow's foremost contribution to theological thought is to see in "images, ideologies, and institutions" the primary contemporary manifestations of the demonic powers and principalities often mentioned in the Bible.
Space in its various contemporary manifestations - architectural, virtual, commercial and otherwise - is where the action is for lots of avant-garde-minded folks.
One contemporary manifestation of this is the school of psychogeography espoused most prominently by Peter Ackroyd, (particularly in his novel Hawksmoor) and Iain Sinclair.
Showalter (who has no formal medical training) admits to receiving hate mail, but has not been deterred from her position that these conditions are contemporary manifestations of hysteria.
Forced prostitution and sexual slavery are also considered to be contemporary manifestations of this historical crime, and can be found anywhere in the world.
Nevertheless, contemporary cultural manifestations cross ethnic boundaries, being aimed at students, cinephiles, and arts and science lovers, among others.
The emphasis of the book from now on is of a pragmatic nature, but I hope it is a sanctified pragmatism applied to operating within and shaping the contemporary manifestations of the Church of Christ.