In their design, which they developed with a research associate, Susan Ross, the architects tried to keep contemporary living in mind.
"Did you ever see a woman who fitted so well into surroundings like this-who seems herself to be designed for contemporary living?"
The show's other sensation is the romantic one of a lost leisurely pace; Arms made the kind of tours that contemporary living doesn't allow for.
Commentary on the New Testament as it applies to contemporary living, perhaps?
In observing contemporary Christian living, he felt that the church was on a dangerous course toward compromising with "worldly" concerns.
After the war it was regarded as too large for contemporary living and was divided into two separate properties.
There are also regular features on health, beauty, fashion, culture and contemporary living.
She has a duo passion of old era with contemporary living.
He believes they are more appropriate to contemporary living and better suited to younger women.
Zittel wanted to explore how perceptions of freedom have been re-adapted for contemporary living.