His first draft was a very utopian one, dealing with different antique and contemporary ideals and trying to top its role model Versailles.
The theme focuses on family conflict and the amalgamation of old Filipino identity and cultural character with the arrival of contemporary and Western ideals.
This document aligned closely with contemporary American political ideals, especially the notion that all men had a right to liberty.
With these qualities she fulfilled a contemporary ideal.
The final section will discuss her representation of the female body, especially in relation to contemporary ideals of beauty.
Genteel, dutiful women - caring for their children or adjusting their toilette - reflected the contemporary ideals of female beauty, virtue and domesticity.
So the faces of the statues are not so much portraiture as an idealized face expressing artistic tradition and the contemporary ideal of beauty.
These interpretations of Christian origins have been criticized for "anachronistically projecting contemporary ideals back into the first century."
It requires a different kind of human being, a self-sacrifice that is not celebrated as a contemporary ideal.
However, it's hard to be fully confident that the Banning family, newly affectionate at the end of its Neverland adventure, really represents a contemporary ideal.