Contemptible contemporary Jews were "zhidy"; heroic biblical ones were "yevrei."
Other critics have pointed out that the anonymous poet does not flinch from the horrors of war and does not preach violence against contemporary Jews.
Though many contemporary Jews shorten the prescribed length, the custom is still widely practiced.
Some contemporary Jews choose not to circumcise their sons.
Cunaeus closed the book with an appeal for tolerance and sympathy towards contemporary Jews.
Sadly, some of our authentic, time-honored beliefs and practices have been lost to assimilation, leaving many contemporary Jews largely unaware of them.
It considers how Jews live today and how ancient Jewish values shape the contemporary Jew's understanding of his place in the modern world.
The goal is to make a big statement on the condition of the contemporary Jew.
They differed from other contemporary Jews only in their acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah.
Their cherished goal - the resettlement of the full biblical land of Israel by contemporary Jews - is not to be.