Goodyear insisted that it was the latter, though many contemporaneous accounts indicate the former.
According to a contemporaneous biographical account, he worked as a civil servant, holding a "place or clerkship in the Government."
The most detailed contemporaneous account was that of Schuyler.
"Letters, however, give a more or less contemporaneous account with a lot of subjective nuance."
Despite the work's commemorative value, no details about its first exhibition are known, and it is not mentioned in any surviving contemporaneous accounts.
This description of the declaration may be apocryphal, as only the last four words appear in contemporaneous accounts.
Rosenberg did not find a contemporaneous account of Kelly having done that, and it is possible he did so in an exhibition game.
According to contemporaneous accounts, an estimated 6,000 people died from the disaster's effects across the province.
Several hypothetical extinct macaws were based only on contemporaneous accounts, but these species are considered dubious today.
She held the women's altitude record for nearly three decades, and according to several contemporaneous accounts was regarded as the first woman in space.