"These kids are so afraid that everybody is contemplating leaving or quitting when their contract expires in 18 months," Desrossiers says.
Meanwhile, in a flashback, Lombardi frets over his lack of promotion and contemplates quitting football.
She contemplated quitting the sport, took a two-week vacation visiting relatives in Israel, and said the experience was "like starting a new life."
Round 3 Higuchi is demoralized and contemplating quitting the wrestling club.
Maruge's property was stolen during the 2007-2008 post-election violence, and he contemplated quitting school.
Entertainment 720's show also proves to be a hit with the crowd, which makes Tom further contemplate quitting his job.
Suffering from depression during his military service, Bravo contemplated quitting his singing career.
"I wouldn't say I was contemplating quitting, but sometimes those thoughts creep into your mind," she said.
She has been off the ice for several months and was contemplating quitting the sport.
Mr. Ametistov, a party member since 1967, said he had been contemplating quitting for some time and the Russian congress was the final straw.