Opuntia engelmannii is cultivated as an ornamental plant, for use in drought tolerant gardens, container plantings, and natural landscaping projects.
But for Ms. Ernst, changing clock faces and seasons mean simply moving her container plantings indoors or out as the case may be.
It is used as a decumbent specimen tree in the ground and in large container plantings.
Imperial embassy personnel and Buddhist students from Japan had been returning from mainland China with many souvenirs, including occasional container planting, since the 6th century.
Sweet to Look At, Not to Eat Q. I believe those bright lime-green vines seen about town in container plantings are sweet potatoes.
Keep transplants and container plantings watered.
The long trailing habit always adds some interest to a container planting.
Another dramatic sort of container planting is the one of a kind.
At least the chipmunks, appear to be harmless to plant life unlike their larger relatives, the squirrels who do endless damage to bulbs and some container plantings.
They are grown as container planting or in rock gardens.