The Port of Ningbo is the fourth busiest with 473.4 million tons of container freight handled in 2007.
Because container freight is sold on the basis of total enclosed volume, efforts are made to decrease that volume, including derigging the boat.
Major sources of traffic for the port include export dairy products, coal, timber, vehicles, and other general container freight.
The move is scheduled to take place in 2014, after which the site will be turned into an "intermodal container freight terminal".
A yard to handle container freight was added to the complex in 1932.
Our future ability to move container freight by rail dictates we free up the congestion between trains and cars.
In 2011, the Port of Xiamen ranked among the top 18 ports in the world for container freight.
A number of goods sidings are located between them, used to stable the container freight to Tocumwal, and for shunting now defunct oil train.
The last question was on the 100% scanning of inbound container freight.
Oritkari mainly handles container freight through its three piers.