After hearing about Gregor's earlier discovery, he obtained a sample of manaccanite and confirmed it contained titanium.
Alnico may also contain copper and sometimes titanium.
Characteristics include complex silicates containing zirconium, titanium the rare earth elements, and fluorine.
In 2008 a scientific analysis showed the painting contained titanium white, which was not yet available in 1914.
Current devices also contain gold and titanium which are required for electrical connections.
Some alnicos also contain copper and titanium.
The craton contains significant platinum, vanadium, hard-rock titanium and considerable iron ore resources.
Khalilovsk ore was rare in its composition: it contains chromium, nickel, titanium, and manganese.
Use a sunblock that contains zinc and titanium, as that has shown to be more effective than chemical sunscreens.
Like the above plumbides, it is an intermetallic, but it only contains titanium as the other metal, and not any rare earths.