It regarded Buddhism to contain esoteric teachings.
Too, the scrolls contained teachings of that balance and its fundamental principles that held keys to great power.
Some have considered the mentioned and other parts of the "Liturgy of the Word" to contain esoteric teachings.
Shambhala Training contains teachings relating to personal, household, and societal situations.
It was at this time that the Vachanas, simple and easy-to-understand poetic writings which contained essential teachings, were written.
Christian poetry is any poetry that contains Christian teachings, themes, or references.
There is a great deal of overlapping between all these texts, but each contains teachings that do not appear in the others.
It also contains various other revelations and teachings unique to Strang.
It contains almost no doctrine, teachings, or narrative not found elsewhere, and its exclusion from the Biblical canon has little effect.
The book contains information on the life and teachings of Swaminarayan.