The current version of Morpheus, version 5.5.1, contains no adware or spyware, and no additional software is bundled with Morpheus.
This site requires a free software download that may contain spyware.
Past versions of RealPlayer have been criticized for containing adware and spyware.
It was also claimed to contain spyware.
Be wary of ads on the Internet offering downloadable antispyware-in some cases these products may be fake and may actually contain spyware or other malicious code.
It now distributes software containing spyware and adware.
Programs which contain spyware are now deleting anti-spyware during installation.
The Spychecker Web site ( maintains a searchable database of programs that are known to contain spyware.
And I use SpywareGuide to look up software before I install it because they have a very complete list of programs that contain spyware.
According to its developers, CyanogenMod does not contain spyware or bloatware.