Before independence in 1947, India and Pakistan contained more than 600 princely states each with its own ruler.
Ballots containing more states from a certain region than seats allocated to that region were invalidated.
Since this grouping contains 48 states, it is also commonly referred to as "the Lower 48".
Conversely, an energy level is said to be degenerate if it contains two or more different states.
Ammonium metavanadate belongs to the family of vanadates that contains many different oxidative states that are dependent on pH.
In 1886, the United States contained only 38 states.
For example, let's suppose an NFA-ε contains two states, 1 and 2, and it can move to state 2 without consuming any input symbols.
Mytilene wanted a synoikismos, or unification, of Lesbos, which contained four other states, under her leadership.
The British Isles contain two sovereign states:
The division contains five states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Before independence in 1947, India and Pakistan contained more than 600 princely states each with its own ruler.
Ballots containing more states from a certain region than seats allocated to that region were invalidated.
Since this grouping contains 48 states, it is also commonly referred to as "the Lower 48".
Conversely, an energy level is said to be degenerate if it contains two or more different states.
Ammonium metavanadate belongs to the family of vanadates that contains many different oxidative states that are dependent on pH.
In 1886, the United States contained only 38 states.
For example, let's suppose an NFA-ε contains two states, 1 and 2, and it can move to state 2 without consuming any input symbols.
Mytilene wanted a synoikismos, or unification, of Lesbos, which contained four other states, under her leadership.
The British Isles contain two sovereign states:
The division contains five states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.