It contains 12 plays written for Radio 3 between January 1979 and March 1983.
It contains four plays, and with the exception of Washingtin focus on the serial monologue (monodrama) rather than the dialogue.
The first volume of his translations, containing six plays, appeared in 1853, and was followed by further installments in 1861, 1867, 1870, and 1873.
The other, which contains 27 plays in three hard-cover volumes, is in stately, classic German.
Contain 18 plays and New Preface to each volume.
A 'playbook' containing 50 possible plays.
The collection contains fourteen plays and an anonymous masque:
It contains 36 plays, 18 of which were printed for the first time.
Like the Third, it contains 43 plays.
Balmandali-Kishor Jagat: (containing two plays, some stories and poems).