It contains various schedules with information on the financial condition and operation of the plan.
It also contains schedules of meetings, symposia, and other events, news, notes, and membership information.
All of the games contained the rosters and schedules of the beginning of the season of the year before the one described in the name except for Triple Play 2002.
These tax packages contained the forms, schedules and instructions for filing a paper income tax return.
There are about 20 small booklets containing schedules from Swiss cities and towns, which are available free at many Swiss train stations.
Happily for subway buffs, some Web sites contain unofficial schedules of the new cars' comings and goings (see http://www.nycsubway.
The Transit Book (known until December 2008 as the Bus Book, and mentioned above) is updated twice yearly and contains maps and schedules for all routes.
The Commission's document does not contain specific schedules, nor does it describe the methods to be adopted.
The brief contains schedules and an organisational chart.
The Indiacode Textbase contains the sections, schedules, short title, enactment date, and footnotes in every act.