If such cavities are found, he said, they may contain residue of the ice and its constituents.
Furthermore, about half of our fresh food contains residues.
This could have led to up to 350 pesticides being outlawed in the state, along with the banning of all foods containing residues.
Although some pieces initially tested positive, none were found to contain residue when subjected to more rigorous review in Washington, investigators have said.
These fragments still contain residues of the original content, shredded paper labels and plastic caps.
Hence, both urine and faeces from treated patients contain pharmaceutical residues.
A nightmare arises from one's complex that contains residue from some unresolved issue.
Exposure routes other than consuming food that contains residues, in particular pesticide drift, are potentially significant to the general public.
The garbage contained residue of marijuana and cocaine.
The report concludes that "children should be able to eat a healthful diet containing legal residues without encroaching on safety margins."