Proponents of the Connecticut measure hope that it will withstand a court challenge because the state's laws already contain explicit protections for abortion rights.
But the procedure for doing this also contains protections for states with low populations.
The rules also contain new protections for doctors.
While industry officials fended off criticism, they insisted that any legislation would need to contain protections against lawsuits in order to win the industry's support.
For both of those forest zones, the Administration has already devised new plans that it said contained carefully designed environmental protections.
Working behind the scenes, Mr. Shanker made sure the law contained strong protections for teachers' jobs.
The plan does not contain legal protections for cigarette makers and does not require Congressional approval.
The bankruptcy code contains several protections for landlords.
The H-1C program also contains protections for American nurses.
Supposedly, the liquid latex also contained holy water and other useful protections.