This waste is discharged directly into the surrounding aquatic environment, untreated, often containing antibiotics and pesticides.
These push-and-turn caps are widely used for bottles that contain liquid drugs, household products and pesticides.
Next is beef, because the grains fed to cows contain pesticides that accumulate in the animals' tissue.
Their feed contains no animal proteins, animal fats, growth hormones, antibiotics or pesticides.
A few had too much of certain vitamins, and some failed because they contained pesticides or heavy metals, such as lead in calcium.
If your containers cannot be rinsed, you must handle them as if they contain pesticides or biocides.
Experts recommend spending most of your organic food dollars on produce, as it is most likely to contain pesticides.
They do, however, contain certain pesticides.
Sadly, I had no idea that lice medications can contain pesticides designed to kill pests.
In this form of agriculture, seeds may not contain any GMOs or pesticides.