As a result, Kaopectate no longer contains pectin and kaolin.
(Some fruits contain enough natural pectin to thicken on their own.)
Prickly pear cactus contains fiber and pectin, which can lower blood glucose by decreasing the absorption of sugar in the stomach and intestine.
Bananas contain pectin, a soluble fibre that can help normalise movement through the digestive tract and ease constipation.
They are, however, suitable for making liqueurs, as well as marmalade and preserves, as they contain more pectin than apples and true quinces.
Apples contain pectin, which helps bulk up the stool to treat diarrhea and constipation.
Gelling sugar is different from preserving sugar, which does not contain pectin and is just sugar with larger crystals to avoid scum.
Preserving sugar differs from gelling sugar, because the latter contains pectin while preserving sugar is 100% sugar.
It contains pectin and accordingly is a useful ingredient in jelly, jam, syrup and chutney.
The encapsulation membrane contains pectin, cellulose and hemicellulose.