Minasian concealed from Audé the fact that the case containing leather skirts and jackets also contained opium.
(They politely refused his green Afghan "dip," worrying that it contained opium.)
The couples are allowed to use modern contraception, and although they're given a supply of 19th-century medicines, the ones containing opium and morphine are deliberately omitted.
Others have suggested the potion may have also contained hashish, bhang, shang-luh, or opium.
His preparation contained opium, crushed pearls, musk, amber, and other substances.
It contains 2 medications, belladonna and opium.
Along with the soup and bread she bring him, she lights him a pipe containing opium.
The potion contains opium, and Kornélis continues his obsessive behavior in a drugged state.
B&O Supprettes is the brand name for a prescription medication containing powdered opium and belladonna alkaloids in a suppository form.
Patent medicines often contained alcohol or opium.