One bottle contained morphine, water and a bit of saccharine to mask the bitter taste of the drug.
Opium contains approximately 12% morphine, an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin for the illegal drug trade.
Seed capsules can be dried and used for decorations, but they also contain morphine, codeine, and other alkaloids.
Opium, which contains morphine, is extracted from the poppy seeds and used to produce heroin.
Some people may require a stronger painkiller, such as those containing morphine.
Until then, the company's biggest drug was MS Contin, which had limited appeal, partly because it contained morphine.
Apomorphine does not actually contain morphine or its skeleton, or bind to opioid receptors.
Poppy seeds contain both morphine and codeine, which are pain-relieving drugs that are still used today.
The hypnotic Lambert found best contained chloral hydrate and morphine along with one or two grams of paraldehyde.
"A nd you say Miss Lane can't remember exactly when she last saw this bicarbonate bottle containing morphine?"