These agents contain iodine, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
Start by looking for a prenatal vitamin that contains iodine if you're pregnant.
There is also a risk associated with the contrast dye in patients who are allergic to compounds containing iodine.
Laminaria contains iodine, an element that the body needs to make thyroid hormones.
The most common type of contrast given into a vein contains iodine.
The Chinese government implemented a program of regulating salt to contain iodine starting in 1995.
These products contain very little iodine when compared to the approved drug products.
These special pens, which often look something like a highlighter, contain iodine that changes color when it comes in contact with cellulose.
These compounds contain iodine, but not in the iodide form.
Kombu contains iodine, a mineral that is essential for normal growth and development.