The products available on the market may include carpet powders, sprays or foggers, which contain adult insecticides and insect growth regulators.
Also, beware of wall paints that contain insecticides.
The leaves, twigs, and bark of the common pawpaw tree contain natural insecticides known as acetogenins.
If these do not work, a doctor can give you a prescription for medicine that contain insecticides.
American bans during the 1970's on DDT, PCB's, herbicides that contained dioxin, and toxic insecticides account for some of the declines.
I always hope that the packages containing insecticides withstand the tests, because they smell almost as bad as the rotten eggs if the boxes break.
As with all medicines, over-the-counter treatments for headlice should be used carefully, as they contain quite powerful insecticides.
The disagreeable-smelling leaves, twigs, and bark of pawpaws contain natural insecticides known as acetogenins.
Shampoo intended for animals may contain insecticides or other medications for treatment of skin conditions or parasite infestations such as fleas or mange.
This is particularly true of coatings containing powerful systemic insecticides, which have disastrous effects on pollinating insects, in particular domestic bees.