George discovered that at least three of the stories Glass wrote for it contained fabrications.
Both author and publisher acknowledge that this book about Frey's helpful mobster friend contains numerous fabrications.
A note has been appended to the title that reads: "Both author and publisher acknowledge that this memoir contains numerous fabrications."
The book garnered international attention in January 2006 after it was reported that it contained fabrications and was not, as originally represented by the author and publisher, a completely factual memoir.
Both author and publisher acknowledge that this book contains numerous fabrications.
After James Frey's A Million Little Pieces was found to contain fabrications in 2006, Winfrey confronted him on her show over the breach of trust.
Admittedly, the slaves of the Amistad went free on a technicality, and admittedly Steven Spielberg's movie contains fabrications, justified as dramatic license.
These materials are sometimes imprecise and contain errors, fabrications, and distortions stemming from a Christian world view.
But the editors of the list have added a note saying: "Both author and publisher acknowledge that this memoir contains numerous fabrications."
The author of "A Million Little Pieces," which both author and publisher acknowledge contains numerous fabrications, writes about a helpful mobster friend.