Khrushchev's Thaw set in, and the book was about to be published in 1963, but was stopped at the last moment for containing "ideological distortions".
The article contains serious distortions about the university's service to the minority community.
Pro-life groups criticized Waxman's report, alleging that it contained inaccuracies and distortions.
Wissel painted many pictures such as these, but his work contains subtle distortions and accentuations influenced by expressionism.
Biehle's own paintings, containing explosive distortions of form and color, established a link between Cleveland artists and the German Expressionists.
Except where otherwise noted, what follows is taken from the autobiography and may contain exaggerations and self-serving distortions.
But his paragraph about Marina Tsvetaeva and her husband, Sergei Efron, contains serious distortions.
Wise learned that the company was working on a 30mm lens, but it contained distortions and was not ready.
These materials are sometimes imprecise and contain errors, fabrications, and distortions stemming from a Christian world view.
Actual sounds contained "static", interference and other distortions, not reproduced by the simulation.