However, like Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, the game contains deviations from the original.
The first list contains deviations that tend only to make the relation between spelling and pronunciation more complex, without affecting its predictability (see above paragraph).
Caution: These electronic orders may contain computer-generated errors or other deviations from the official printed versions.
Caution: These electronic opinions may contain computer-generated errors or other deviations from the official paper versions of the opinions.
A group of conservative Catholics and bishops have criticized the proposals, often suggesting that they contained deviations from the church's teachings.
The book, "Kato Kaelin: The Whole Truth," built around 16 hours of taped interviews, contains few other revelations or dramatic deviations from Mr. Kaelin's testimony.
The manuscript does not preserve the original text with any accuracy, but contains innovations, expansions and other deviations in almost every section.
The Welsh Romance Peredur son of Efrawg, based on Chrétien (or derived from a common original) but containing several prominent deviations, lacks a Grail.
Caution: These electronic opinions may contain computer-generated errors or other deviations from the official printed slip opinion pamphlets.
While for the most part a faithful retelling of the novel, the screenplay does contain minor deviations.