The dermis, or middle layer, contains collagen and fibers that strengthen your skin and give it flexibility.
It is derived from connective tissue, the cells resembling fibroblasts, and contains abundant collagen.
Gelatin contains collagen, which is one of the materials that make up cartilage and bone.
Both bone and cartilage contain collagen, which is released when bone tissue breaks down.
After all, the body contains more collagen than any other protein: it should be no surprise that protecting it could do a lot of good.
Both the cuticle and body wall of Ascaris lumbricoides contain collagen.
The researchers found that the joints of those afflicted contained 25% abnormal collagen 2 and 75% of the normal varient.
Night creams should contain collagen, elastin, and essential lipids to help refresh your face while you sleep.
The paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution mixed with a local anaesthetic, lignocaine.
Unlike dentin and bone, enamel does not contain collagen.