The envelopes contained checks and money orders with the same handwriting, even though they were supposed to have come from different people.
After a statement, he handed prosecutors an envelope containing checks worth $22.5 million as part of his agreement settling the criminal charge.
The transfer process is supposed to contain checks including the date of birth of the account holder, but in practice some transfers occur without this information.
In April a letter containing several checks arrived signed simply, "An American family of Bulgarian origin."
Had they once contained checks, bills, opportunities?
Fewer than half had been opened, the report said, and those that had contained uncashed checks to the city that were months old.
These contain inbuilt checks and automatically acknowledge when the accounts are accepted.
These contain inbuilt checks so that you can be sure you haven't omitted any key information.
Next he opened the envelopes that looked like they might contain checks from clients.
Where would all the mail containing checks and orders from their customers go if their business was destroyed?